Insufficient Funds

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Earnnest’s preliminary fund check system helps you avoid the hassle of bounced checks and the inconvenience of dealing with insufficient funds. Here's how it works:

Preliminary Fund Check Process

When payers initiate a payment through Earnnest, our system will run a preliminary check on the selected account to ensure it has sufficient funds. This proactive measure is designed to prevent issues such as bounced checks and payment failures.

Prompt for Alternate Payment Account

If the preliminary check detects that the chosen account lacks sufficient funds, Earnnest will prompt the payer to add an alternate payment account. This prompt ensures that your transaction can proceed smoothly without delays or complications.


Avoid Bounced Checks: By checking funds in advance, Earnnest helps all parties steer clear of the inconvenience and potential fees associated with bounced checks.

Streamlined Process: The prompt to add an alternate payment account ensures that you can quickly address any funding issues, maintaining a seamless and efficient payment process.

Earnnest product on laptop computer showing the paid screen.
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